Epimedium acuminatum
Variable evergeen Epimedium species
from China.
Growing in mountainous forests and slopes of the southwest part of China in the provinces Yunnan, Guihzou, Sichuan and Chongqingin at elevations between 270 and 4000m.
Large flowers.
About 40 cm tall.
Can be found on Mount Emei (Emei Shan, Sichuan Province) where it
crosses with E.
The naturally occurring hybrid of the two species is called E. x omeiense.
The cultivars E. 'Amanogawa' and E. 'Kaguyahime' are results of the cross between E. acuminatum with E. dolichostemon.
According to the latest research at the Wuhan Botanical Garden
(Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China) E.
chlorandrum is now treated as a synonym of Epimedium
And even E. simplicifolium is now
treated as a synonym of E. acuminatum.
Epimedium simplicifolium T.S. Ying was described by Ying (1975), only separating it from E. acuminatum in having unifoliolate, sericeous leaves. Upon extensive specimen examination, however, Zhang et al. (2011) found that the diagnostic characters of E. simplicifolium were within the range of morphological variations of E. acuminatum and placed E. simplicifolium into synonymy.(source: Yanjun Zhang)

Epimedium acuminatum 'Galaxy'
white flowering form.
Introduced by Roy Lancaster.
30 cm tall.

Epimedium acuminatum 'Mount Emei'
Also evergreen.
30 cm tall.

Epimedium acuminatum 'Night Mistress'
cultivar with intensively colored flowers.
Found by Darrell Probst in Sichuan, China.
30 cm tall.
Epimedium acuminatum DJHC 734
of four different E.
acuminatum clones, that Daniel J. Hinkley collected in
1996 in China, Sichuan
Insanely beautiful colored spring foliage.
30 cm tall.

Epimedium acuminatum (Chen Yi)

Epimedium acuminatum yellow flowered form CC 011415
flowered E. acuminatum form.
Slow grower.
Very noticeable brownish leaf color in spring.
40 cm tall.

Epimedium acuminatum yellow flowered form (green leaves)
flowered E. acuminatum form.
Slow grower.
Evergreen.40 cm tall.

Epimedium 'Akakage'
cultivar, probably of Japanese origin.
Unusually beautiful leaf margin on young leaves.
Astonishingly not very common in Europe (yet). This variety should get more attention!Probably a cross with the participation of E. grandiflorum?
Low ground covering growth.

Epimedium 'Amanogawa'
of E.
acuminatum and E.
30 cm tall.

Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
Evergreen, vigorous, richly
Very nice hybrid of E.
flavum and E.
wushanense 'Caramel'.
New sprouting foliage is initially speckled reddish.
A very popular variety with a remarkably long flowering time.
Height 40 cm.
This is a protected variety.

Epimedium 'Arctic Wings'
Evergreen hybrid of E. latisepalum und E. ogisui.
30 cm tall.
This is a protected variety.